A Fly-in Fishing Adventure of a Lifetime - Laurie River Lodge
Deep in the Northern Manitoba wilderness is a landscape shaped by glacial retreat. Sharp rock outcroppings, massive sand deposits, and a seemingly infinite number of lakes and rivers teeming with trophy fish complete this mosaic of geographic features. Located in the heart of this incredible region is Laurie River Lodge. Situated on McGavock Lake, anglers from near and far travel each summer to experience Laurie River Lodge and tackle these trophy fishing waters.
Recently, we made the Journey to Laurie River Lodge to try our hand at this incredible fishery and enjoy the top-notch service that this lodge has become so well known for. Check out the video below and keep on reading to learn all about this unforgettable experience.
The Journey to the North
On the first leg of our trip, a flight from Winnipeg to Lynn Lake, I scrolled through my phone, looking at photos from my last trip to Laurie River. Reliving memories, legendary fish catches, and good times. One photo, in particular, is engrained in my brain of a huge humpback lake trout from the Kamuchawie Outpost that my Jay’s dad Laverne caught. It was the biggest lake trout I’ve ever seen. Jay and Laverne were on this trip as well, and I think our plan was to spend one day at Kamuchawie in search of giant lakers once again.

Once we arrived in Lynn Lake, the first of the Fleck family members greeted us at the airport. Erin Fleck, one of the owners, shuttled us from the airport to the float plane base. She’s also a veteran float plane pilot so as soon as the shuttle bus was unloaded, she went straight to loading the plane and flew us into camp. Flying over Northern Manitoba in a float plane is surreal. It’s vast, it's wild, and it's free. There are endless things to look at, whether it's lakes, rivers, or looking for wildlife such as moose.

When you arrive at the dock, the second Fleck family member greets you and unloads your bags. Brent, who is Erin’s husband and the other lodge owner, helps you unload and gets you into your cabin. The lodge is fantastic; the cabins are comfortable, the main lodge is beautiful, and the location is impeccable.

As soon as we were organized in our cabin, we had lunch, got rigged up, and hit the main lake. We had a great half day of fishing, catching lots of pike and walleye before heading in for supper. Every meal you’ll have at Laurie River Lodge will be outstanding. Our first evening was no exception and was also when the third Fleck family member welcomed us. Madison, Brent and Erin’s daughter, works in the kitchen and is always there for a gleeful smile and anything you might need help with. We enjoyed a perfectly cooked steak followed by dessert before it was time to call it a day before tomorrow’s fly-out.


We were up, fed, and ready on the dock first thing the next morning because we were all excited to fly to Kamuchawie for the day. Three of us had been there before, and the fourth had heard all the stories, so it's pretty safe to say that we were ecstatic to wet a line. At the dock, we were welcomed by our fourth and final Fleck. Chase, Brent and Erin’s son, is also a pilot and would be the one dropping us off at Kamuchawie for the day. At this point, it's pretty clear that Laurie River Lodge is family-owned and operated. With over 30 years of fishing lodge knowledge, Brent and Erin know how to run a camp, and Chase and Madison's youthful enthusiasm is a fantastic touch.

The short flight to Kamuchawie was smooth, and it wasn’t long before we were on the dock, loaded our gear into the boats that were waiting there, and were on our way to the first spot. Kamuchawie has an iconic ‘big fish here’ spot. It’s not just a spot with big fish, either. There’s literally a sign carved into the rock. It’s where we crushed them last time, and it’s where we crushed them again.

We jigged in 100 feet of water on giant white tubes and smoked them. You’d slowly jig, imitating a wounded fish, and then the next thing you know, your heavy action rod is doubled over, and an 80-pound braid is screaming off your reel. A few Master Angler lake trout later, and you’ll almost need a break from it. Almost.

At the end of the day, Chase flew us back to camp. We had another delicious supper, and it was time to enjoy the evening. This time, we decided to hop in a boat and fish at a nearby spot called the grocery store. Crushing a dozen walleye for bed is a good, healthy evening activity.

The next day was another fly-out day for us. However, it was to a lake that none of us had ever been to. Brent told us it’ll be the best walleye fishing you’ve ever seen in terms of numbers. Lots of lodge owners say that, but realistically, a lot of the time, will it actually be the best? Who knows. In this case, the lake in question was called Runner Lake. It didn’t take long before we realized that Brent wasn’t kidding.

My buddy Keevin was in the middle of the boat casting a swimbait to shore, and I was at the front of the boat jigging a jigging rap, and both of us were basically struggling to keep walleye off our lines. We must have caught ten fish in the first 20 minutes or something. It was insane.

We crushed them all day, and Jay and Laverne in the other boat tried to see if they could land 100 walleyes in the day. They did by mid-afternoon and then stopped keeping track. It really was that good.


We were fortunate enough to have a guide on all of our days. Our guide, Alfred, was one of the best guides I have ever seen. He was a textbook. He had decades of knowledge on those waters, impeccable boat control, guest safety and comfort as a priority, and he knew exactly what we needed to do to catch fish. It was a perfect example of what a guide can do to your trip.

To top it off, before we had to head back, he told us there was a bay on the lake that had some big pike roaming around. We headed there and instantly were sight fishing for 40’’ pike, watching them swim around us, and we managed to boat a couple of nice ones as well. Without a guide, we’d never even know that bay was there.

If you would like to book your trip of a lifetime to Laurie River Lodge, visit thier website today at www.LaurieRiverLodge.com
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Box 550 Lynn Lake, MB R0B 0W0 1-800-426-2533 Website