Black Bear Hunting in the Heart of Canada - Harvest Lodge
Manitoba’s Parkland Region is a big-game hunter's dream due to the unique combination of agricultural land and big bush. Such an environment, which can provide cover, bedding, and food resources, has the ability to create the perfect biome for game to grow old and grow big.
Harvest Lodge sits on the beautiful Waterhen River. With outstanding walleye fishing right out their front door and unbelievable big game and waterfowl hunting within arms' reach, it doesn’t take much time at Harvest Lodge before you realize how incredible of a location they are in.
Top-Notch Bear Hunting Experience
I’ve been to Harvest Lodge in the past specifically for a fishing trip, which was fantastic, but this time, I had the opportunity to spend a few days in spring on a bear hunt. This region has a fantastic population of big bears, but what's even more fascinating is the ratio of colour-phase bears. Coloured bears are rare and sometimes even non-existent in some areas, but for some reason, there are tons in the Parkland Region.

One of my favourite parts about being at a bear hunting lodge is the schedule. It’s relaxed and laid-back, and when you have outstanding walleye fishing out your front door, you have an awesome opportunity to fish in the mornings and hunt in the evenings. Harvest Lodge is also family-owned and operated; you feel that very strongly not long after arriving. Owners John and Karissa Warkentin treat you like family as soon as you arrive and create an extremely accommodating experience from start to finish.

Incredible Black Bear Hunting Encounters
Every day that I sat I saw several beautiful bears. From midsize bears to cubs chasing each other around, there's no shortage of entertainment in the stands. One afternoon, Jon told me that there was a stand that frequently had a gorgeous colour phase bear show up. He knew I wanted to at least see a colour phase on my trip, so he decided to put me in that stand for the evening.

It wasn’t long into my sit before, sure enough, an absolutely stunning brown figure made its way through the trees. Under limbs and over fallen timber, this chocolatey-blonde bear headed straight towards my tree. I was in awe of its beauty as I snapped some photos and admired it from afar. It made its way to about 20 yards from my tree. Although it wasn’t the bear for me, it was an unbelievable experience just to sit there and share it with that bear.

Hunting Colour Phase Black Bears
Back at camp, I shared the photos and videos I took of the bear, showing Jon, Karissa, and the rest of the guests. Everyone was in awe. Karissa cooked an absolutely delicious duck supper and then called it a night. After a big day of hunting and a hearty supper, comfortable beds and great accommodations feel much better. It’s easy to be very comfortable at Harvest Lodge, and that’s a massive part of any hunting or fishing trip. Everything is there to make you feel at home from wifi to cable TV to fire pits outside each cabin.

The next day, a different hunter decided he wanted to sit that stand with a chance to harvest that bear. So, the next day, the hunter sat at that stand, and sure enough, the bear showed up, and the hunter was able to harvest it. Back at camp, we snapped some photos, had some laughs, and enjoyed the harvest as a group. I couldn’t be happier for the hunter to be able to harvest such a beautiful animal. Colour phase bears truly are a thing of beauty.

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26-392 PTH 276 Waterhen, MB R0L 2C0 (204) 628-3491 Website