Where Comfort Meets Incredible Bear Hunting - Trail End Camp

Although Trail End Camp operates year-round on different hunting, fishing, and winter activities, when the snow melts and the grass starts to green, it’s an especially fun time of the year.

Spring means two things: Bear hunting and fishing. Bear hunting and fishing are the logical lovechild for any avid outdoorsmen in Manitoba due to how well they both seasonally overlap as well as in terms of a daily schedule. You can fish in the morning, hunt in the afternoon/evening with no sacrifices on either end.

Unrivaled Bear Hunting Adventures at Trail End Camp

A Short Trip to the Middle of Nowhere

Trail End Camp’s Ultimate Charter Boats for Fishing in Manitoba!

Incredible Multispecies Fishing on the Winnipeg River

Big Catches, Bigger Memories: Fishing Trail End Camp

Diverse and Comfortable Bear Hunting

Diverse in Many Ways

Bear Hunting in Comfort: Unrivaled Adventure at Trail End Camp

Comfort From Start to Finish

A Day in the Life of a Bear Hunter at Trail End Camp

Book your Trip Today!

Bear Hunting at Trail End Camp
Marcel Laferriere
Marcel Laferriere | Hunt Fish Consultant

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