Where Comfort Meets Incredible Bear Hunting - Trail End Camp
Although Trail End Camp operates year-round on different hunting, fishing, and winter activities, when the snow melts and the grass starts to green, it’s an especially fun time of the year.
Spring means two things: Bear hunting and fishing. Bear hunting and fishing are the logical lovechild for any avid outdoorsmen in Manitoba due to how well they both seasonally overlap as well as in terms of a daily schedule. You can fish in the morning, hunt in the afternoon/evening with no sacrifices on either end.
A Short Trip to the Middle of Nowhere
Trail End Camp is uniquely located under 2 hour drive from Winnipeg, Manitoba, with pavement right up to their driveway. Although a 2-hour drive may not seem far from Manitoba’s capital city, don’t be fooled. Once you get to Trail End, you meet the owner, Vance Hrechkosy and his biggest party pieces: the charter boats. Thirty feet long, 8 feet wide, fully enclosed and custom-built for Vance, there is no better boat for long rides up the iconic Winnipeg River getting into the middle of nowhere. Trail End can cater to any hunter with truck, quad, side-by-side, and boat-to-stand options.

Incredible Multispecies Fishing on the Winnipeg River
The fishing on the Winnipeg River is outstanding. It’s a multi-species mecca with terrific northern pike, walleye, yellow perch, and smallmouth bass fishing. Our favourite way to fish is to start with walleyes so that we can have the iconic Canadian shore lunch and then switch to pike fishing to try to catch a big toothy critter.

We fished with another bear hunter in camp one day, and he managed to land one really nice pike right in front of us, and doing that as a group in a big charter boat is just such an amazing way to fish with a group of friends.

Diverse and Comfortable Bear Hunting
There are two words that stood out to me regarding the bear hunting at Trail End Camp: diverse and comfortable. They might not be the most typical words to describe a bear operation but hear me out.

Diverse in Many Ways
The diversity in the bears and stands is truly impressive. There are a considerable amount of colour phase bears in the area, including one that was harvested that I got to see up close, which was absolutely gorgeous.

They also have absolutely massive bears to the tune of 8 foot plus. Then, every stand is so different, and it’s such a new and unique experience every time. One second, you have a 50-minute boat right and then a walk over Canadian Shield...

and then the next day you might have a side by side ride over beaver dams deep into a secluded swamp. It’s amazing.

Comfort From Start to Finish
Regarding comfort, it starts before you even arrive. It’s pavement right up to camp so its so easy and accessible, especially for a bear camp with extremely secluded hunting. Then, the cabins are as nice of accommodations as I’ve ever seen at a bear camp.

Wood stove, big comfy beds with clean linens, big kitchen, porch, huge living room, hot shower, you name it. It’s all there. Then, you get taken to your stand in as comfortable a boat or machine as you ever will be.

The charter boats have a fully enclosed cab that keeps you out of the elements and provides the smoothest ride you could imagine. As head guide Carter Hrechkosy said to me, “These are the boats.” When you get to your stand, they are all double-wide with seats to ensure you’re comfortable for your entire side. You return to camp after your hunt and head to the beautiful main lodge for your last but delicious home-cooked meal of the day before hitting the sack. From start to finish, it truly is bear hunting in comfort.

Book your Trip Today!
To book your ultimate bear hunting adventure and experience all that Trail End Camp has to offer, visit www.TrailEndCamp.com today!

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