Wild Turkey Greek Pita Wraps - HuntFishMB Recipes

Spring wild turkey season in Manitoba has come and gone, and fall wild turkey is nearing.

No matter when you get out, the ultimate goal is always the same... Put some clean, organic wild turkey meat in the freezer. In this HuntFishMB Recipe segment brought to you by Cabelas Canada, Josh McFaddin creates a perfect way to utilize your wild turkey meat, and it comes in the form of this delicious Greek Pita Wrap. This is a perfect snack to enjoy at the lake, after a day in the woods, or just at home.

The full recipe video, Links to some awesome products from Cabelas and written recipe video can be found below.

Wild Turkey Greek Pita Wrap

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What you need:

How to Make it:

The Finishing Steps:

Josh McFaddin
Josh McFaddin | Hunt Fish Social Media