Smallmouth Bass
Smallmouth Bass (aka, Bronzebacks) have exploded to a celebrity status on Manitoba’s angling scene.

Record Catch:
61.6cm (24.25")
Top 3 Catches:
Brenda Walls 61.6cm (24.25")
Michael Tymchuk 60.96cm (24")
Jamie Maliteare 58.42cm (23")
These solid, hard-hitting favorites that often rival the spirit of fish twice their size, have received a standing ovation from hard core bass anglers abroad. Our numerous smallmouth fisheries have set an impressive example for size, quantity and variety and continue to produce appealing experiences throughout our various regions.
Manitoba’s bronze behemoths are typically renowned in the Eastern Region of the province but impressive angling opportunities have also been acclaimed in the Northern, Parkland, Western and Central Plains/Pembina Valley Regions. Whether it’s drive to, boat in or fly in waters, giant smallies are abundant and are continually exceeding expectations, with many surpassing 19 inches and benchmarks reaching 22 inches!
Angling opportunities for smallmouth bass are popular from May to October.
Get the all-time records information from our Master Angler records
For more information on angling season dates, regulations, and more – Check out the current 2021 Manitoba Angler’s Guide.