As an additional member of Manitoba’s hybrid trout club, the splake is an interesting cross of the brook and lake trout that continually attracts the likes of anglers who are seemingly drawn to their appealing presence and challenging pursuit.

Record Catch:
90.81cm (35.75")
Top 3 Catches:
Justin Fudge 90.81cm (35.75")
Stephen S. Brown 89.54cm (35.25")
Marlin Katchmar 88.9cm (35")
With seasonal colors that would rival the Northern Lights, this often unpredictable predator offers a token Manitoba angling experience that is usually partial to choice seasons.
Close encounters with huge, weary splake is a favored occasion for hard-core fly fishers and seasoned trout followers. With the strength and explosiveness of a lake trout and the elusive nature of a brook trout, the splake is an inspiring species that produces hallmark battles on some of the most attractive fisheries in Manitoba. You may find yourself targeting these awesome opponents in cold, clear waters that would compare to the aqua green and blue colors of the Caribbean.
Like all trout species in Manitoba, the splake grows to an impressive size and offers opportunities for fish that exceed 28 inches!
Angling opportunities for splake are popular during the open water months of May, June, and October and during the hard water months of December, March, and April.
Get the all-time records information from our Master Angler records
For more information on angling season dates, regulations, and more – Check out the current 2021 Manitoba Angler’s Guide.