How to Get Your Boating Licence in Manitoba
Petro Hrynda is a passionate outdoorsman with a love for fishing that has been with him since his earliest memories.
Petro Hrynda is a passionate outdoorsman with a love for fishing that has been with him since his earliest memories. Growing up in Manitoba, he was captivated by every body of water he encountered, wondering about the fish that swam beneath the surface. His explorations began on the banks of the mighty Red River. By age twelve, Petro had picked up his first fly rod and started tying his own flies, leading to countless evenings spent on the water perfecting fly fishing techniques.
Whether it’s jigging the pristine waters of the deep northern lakes in pursuit of giant lake trout or an epic winter backcountry expedition in search of a rare arctic char, Petro continues to seek out epic adventures wherever he can in Manitoba.
Petrow now shares his passion for Manitoba’s lakes and waterways through writing and photography, which makes him a perfect fit as an editorial contributor to Hunt Fish MB.
Naturally Diverse
From bountiful waterways full of fish big and small, to untouched forests home to fowl and predators, there are countless species of fish and game found in the far reaches of Manitoba, Canada.