"The Aikens Experience" - Aikens Lake Wilderness Lodge
From afar, one could think that lots of fishing lodges all look the same. In reality, it couldn’t be less true. All lodges have their thing; something that they do really well that sets them aside from other lodges.
At Aikens Lake Wilderness Lodge, they have the Aikens Experience. That term was coined some time ago, but it’s a real thing that you feel the second you step onto their dock, every single time you go.
Check out the video below and keep on reading to learn all about it!
"The Aikens Experience"
‘The Aikens Experience’ has been around for a long time, but in 2017, Manitoba content creator Jay Siemens produced an incredible short film on what that term meant. It was an amazing film and perfectly captured what The Aikens Experience is. You can watch that below!
At the time, Jay was at Aikens Lake Wilderness Lodge specifically to work on the short film. Since then, Jay has taken his skills and evolved into a YouTube content creator travelling all over Manitoba and the rest of the world telling his angling stories. In 2019, I went to Aikens for the first time and experienced firsthand what was so special. I’ve gone to Aikens almost every year since and can confidently say that the experience never gets old. Last summer, Jay came back to Aikens with us, this time to partake in The Aikens Experience for himself.

The Classic Canadian Shore Lunch
There were four of us in our group and we regularly pulled up to spots, boats side by side, and had little competitions in which boat could land 10 fish first. You never wondered if you’d catch any, you’d just wonder how fast you’d catch them and who would hit 10 first.

Once noon rolls around, it’s time to head to your designated shore lunch spot where the guides whip up an unbelievable walleye shore lunch in the most Canadian fashion. It’s remarkable how efficient they are. They’re a well-oiled machine and provide a delicious shore lunch with the walleye that you just caught and have you back on the lake fishing in around an hour. It’s amazing.

5-star Wilderness Dining Experience
At the end of the day, you can make your way to the main lodge where you have your supper and then you are introduced to Big Molly’s Bar. First, for supper, we enjoyed a perfectly cooked steak with several other outstanding courses.

The quality of the food and service at Aikens is without a doubt a centerpiece to The Aikens Experience. During supper, it allows the managers, Pit and Julie Turenne, and Pat and Janelle Trudel to do the Master Angler presentation. If any Manitoba Master Anglers were caught that day on the lake, a presentation in front of the entire dining room while handing over a customized award to the successful angler. Although I’ve never been a recipient, it’s an extremely wholesome moment to be a part of for anyone.

Big Molly's Bar
From there, it’s time to check out Big Molly’s Bar. It’s a fully stocked bar with beer on tap, popcorn, a pool table, and our favourite, shuffleboard.

It’s the perfect place to unwind, tell fish stories, and make memories with friends and family. In our case, we had the best of 3 shuffleboard matches. Jay said toward the end of our trip, “While a lot of memories are made on the lake, a lot of memories are made right here in Big Molly’s Bar.” And I couldn’t agree more. There’s so much more to a fishing trip than just fishing and Big Molly’s Bar plays an important role in The Aikens Experience.

Sunset Campfires
The next day, we had another heyday on the lake, catching too many fish to count and catching equally as many laughs. We crushed walleye, caught some nice northern pike, and soaked in the sun.

Later that day, the weather was phenomenal so we decided to have a campfire on the beach. The beach at Aikens is simply surreal. Many guests think that it's artificial as it is the perfect location for a lodge. On the beach, there are plenty of different campfire spots for guests to either have large groups together or be able to have some privacy.

The four of us with a couple of friends that we had made at the lodge brought some beverages down, enjoyed the crackling of the fire, and laughed the night away.

An Experience Like No Other
It’s the little things like the staff welcoming you on the dock, the Master Angler presentation, or the family-like warmth that the entire staff emanates while you’re there that create the Aikens Experience. It’s not just one thing, it’s all of the things.

During our trip, Jay said, “You can’t control the fishing, but you can control everything else; accommodations, food, and they nail it here”. He’s not wrong, Aikens does nail it. But, I remember that quote from someone else before Jay, and it was Pit who was quoting his dad Jerry who bought the lodge many years ago. I didn’t have the pleasure of meeting Jerry, but from what I’ve heard, his legacy of perfecting the things that you can control is what truly makes The Aikens Experience.

Book a Trip to Aikens Lake Wilderness Lodge
If the Aikens Experience sounds like an experience for you. Then head on over to the Aikens Lake Wilderness Lodge website and book your trip today!

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35 Lakewood Blvd, 2 hours NE of Winnipeg (1.5 hour drive, 30 min flight) Winnipeg, MB R2J 4A3 (204) 237-5253 Website