It’s tough being a twin! Almost identical to its closest relative, the goldeye, the mooneye is often mistaken for its next of kin, and equally, vice versa.
The Eastern region of Canada is a diverse landscape, home to scenic areas such as the Whiteshell and Nopiming Provincial Parks. The region boasts a predominance of Canadian Shield escarpments, wild mixed forests, lakes, and rivers.
Home to scenic areas such as the Whiteshell and Nopiming Provincial Parks, this predominantly Canadian Shield region is full of lakes, rivers and wild mixed forests. From family-oriented fishing trips to isolated excursions off the beaten path, the Eastern region offers it all.
Signature Fishing Species: Walleye, Smallmouth Bass, Northern Pike, Black Crappie, Mooneye, White Bass
It’s tough being a twin! Almost identical to its closest relative, the goldeye, the mooneye is often mistaken for its next of kin, and equally, vice versa.
Northern Pike
Home to 60 inch giants, Manitoba is known as one of the most desired northern pike destinations world-wide.
Smallmouth Bass
Smallmouth Bass (aka, Bronzebacks) have exploded to a celebrity status on Manitoba’s angling scene.
Recognized as Manitoba’s official provincial fish, the walleye (or locally known as the pickerel) is the most sought after species within our provincial boundaries.
A multitude of distinct topographies define this territory, with a mixture of fringe land, deep boreal forests, Canadian Shield escarpments, provincial parks and an excess of sizeable waterways. The Eastern Region displays a perfect blend of prime habitats for various species and popular hunting experiences.
Signature Species: Moose, Black Bear, Whitetail Deer, Wolf, Coyote, Wild Turkey, Ducks, Geese, Grouse, Woodcock
Black Bear
Widely considered as one of the top black bear destinations in North America, Manitoba continually emerges as a preferred choice for thousands of devoted bear hunters.
Game Birds
Originally introduced to the province in 1958, the wild turkey has evolved into a highly desired game species that has been successfully established throughout southern Manitoba.
Manitoba offers a variety of select areas for exceptional moose hunting opportunities with many setting impressive examples for one of Canada’s biggest antlered animals!
Whitetail Deer
Without question, the whitetail deer is the most pursued big game species within our provincial boundaries. Wide spread populations, vast habitats and promising hunting opportunities have all been attributed to elevating their…